Aaron Accounting P.C.

Thank you so much for reaching out to Aaron Accounting P.C.!

We specialize in serving the complex tax advisory and accounting needs of individuals and businesses. We provide unique all-inclusive monthly packages tailored to your needs to unleash savings from your custom tax strategies!

New Client Inquiry Form

We would love to hear more about you to determine if we are a good fit. Please complete the form New Client Inquiry Form.

We are excited to hear from you and look forward to talking with you soon. Thank you!

Personal Information

Tell us a little about yourself and how we can contact you.
First Name
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Last Name
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Home Phone
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Mobile Phone
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Confirm Email
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Getting to know more

Which of the following describes you best?
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Please describe
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Getting to know more

What are the complex areas of your tax return or tax plan?
For example, small business tax planning and accounting, investment income, rental property, stock incentives, K-1s.
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Getting to know more

Expected Income or Tax Bracket this year?
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Expected Income
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Tax Bracket
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Getting to know more

Have you used a CPA before?
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If you are changing CPA’s, why are you looking to change?
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We love referrals, please tell us the name of the person that referred you so that we can thank them.
First Name
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Last Name
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